The women around us ft. Kate Black from Sir Botanical

The women around us ft. Kate Black from Sir Botanical

What do you do/ how do you describe what you do?
"I am an event and wedding florist, with emphasis on large sculptural pieces and modern design"


What are you currently working on?
"A lot of really, really exciting events for the 24/25 wedding season. We have some fun interstate work that we have been working on too that’s a fun experience for both us and our clients!"


What are you listening to when you work at the moment?
"Julia Fox audio book ‘Down the Drain’ can’t recommend enough. She reads it so well."


Is there something lingering in your mind that you've been wanting to bring to life?
" Too many things haha. I feel like my mind is full of ‘kind of’ ideas or ‘almost’ ideas. There’s so much inspiration flying around my brain, but I feel like fruit and flowers atm are taking over even my dreams at night time haha. I loveeeee using food with flowers it’s all so beautiful."


If you weren't doing what you are doing now, what would you be doing?
"Ooooft. Big question. I have a psychology degree, maybe I’d go back to using that? Or maybe I’d lean into photography. I don’t think I could be confined to a desk "


Which Metal and Dust piece is on your wishlist?
"The Sette ring no doubt 😮‍💨😮‍💨"


Creative women that inspire you?
"My workmates, a good friend of mine who has started a new floristry business in Canada Love and Sons Flower Co, Hannah at Keeper Creative who has shot so many projects with us. Wait actually I don’t think I could list all the women that inspire me!!!"



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